Mantra for Meditation

Published May 10, 2024 | 10:28 AM
Mantra for Meditation

I am Rina Hindocha, a Yoga Practitioner and Trainer. Today, when it comes of anxiety and stress, Yoga really can be magical. I have personally experienced radical changes in my life. Yoga brought a harmonious blend of movement and stillness to my life, so much that it became the only constant in my dynamic life. I am more peaceful, present and centered now. Nowadays our life is dominated by personal and professional world. We are easily distracted by the gadgets like smartphones every second of the day. We wake up to gazing at our phone. These interruptions and distractions have eroded our ability to concentrate. Immersing ourselves in a book or a lengthy article used to be very easy earlier. Nowadays we are not able to concentrate often and our mind starts to drift. We are more fidgety and lose our control and anger at a drop of a hat. So now it’s very important to turn our focus within us on our breath. Meditation is proven and belief to be a great tool to release stress and gives us instant relaxation, along with it calms our nervous system to it increases our ability to focus and concentrate. When we are meditating the point of focus is always on one thing. We allow our thoughts to pass by. For someone who has difficulties paying attention to just one thing, meditation can be very daunting. So an easy way to get started is just simply sit with your eyes closed and listen to your breath. We should sit comfortably without any distraction and without any physical pain and we should gently close our eyes and listen to our breath. We should breathe in and out through our nose, but we should never control our breath. Our breath should be calm and relaxed. When thoughts try to crowd in during our meditation, we should let them fade of and we should refocus on listening to our breath. We should feel how it flows down, up and down. We should feel our abdomen expand and contract, and we should try to sit as long as possible. And again the focus the concentration just doesn’t built in a day. It’s a constant and dedicated effort everyday put in by us. Most big people are fidgety. Sitting perfectly is still a pretty weird practice for them. Sitting comfortably at one place is a tough task for them. Many people can’t even close their eyes, but when they are sitting for meditation, we have to make up our mind to keep our eyes closed throughout and we should not move a single muscle. Our mind is bombarded with lot of thoughts. Suddenly, we will have a feeling of itchiness, and hair tickling. We experience a lot of pain and regular discomfort. But, we should ignore everything and sit perfectly still with our calm mind and we should keep increasing our ability to concentrate. And with over time you will realize that you will build your concentration and you will able to sit longer. Once you get comfortable with sitting still and you can listen to your breathing for extended period of time without difficulty, we should try to introduce a mantra. A mantra, it can be anything.  

Rina Hindocha
Yoga & Wellness Coach