Dr.Buddies | Dr Nikhila Pinjala Vascular & Endovascular surgeon

Dr. Buddies is a unique column in HealthBuzz®, that unearths stories of prominent doctors. These doctors did their medical schooling in a pre-Google era. Despite various challenges that they had at that time, they toiled and accomplished amazing professional and personal success.
Doctor Buddies column tries to bring to you, stories about their medical school days, including witty moments as medicos, memorable achievements as professionals and various accomplishments in their journey, thus far. Most importantly, this column highlights the support they extend to each other in this process. The column captures in the form of anecdotes, experiences and memories that may turn into lifetime lessons for the future generations.
Contrary to the popular belief that doctors are boring, these doctors pursue their hobbies with utmost passion, fun to talk, buzzing and full of life at work or in their free-time. The fun and frolic that flows when they are together, speaks volumes about their persona.