Male impotence - Sure Shot Foods to Improve

Published May 10, 2024 | 10:27 AM
Male impotence - Sure Shot Foods to Improve
Other medical related problem affecting reproductive health is PCOS is now increasingly diagnosed. The reason being Obesity, irregular and unhealthy food habits, sedenatery lifestyle and lack of minimal physical activity. Sudden changes in lifestyle has created a private menace to many men . In ability to achieve and maintain an erection for consistent period of time is the definition we can give to impotence i.e ED Erectile Dysfunction. Recent studies state that 1 in 10 men suffer this issue. But the good news is right lifestyle changes can bring things back up ! Concentrate on Your Brain and Heart ! A good erection is closely linked with circulatory system and levels of dopamine in your brain. Circulatory system and brain chemicals allow good inflow of blood into male organ and slows down on out flow maintaining erection, while brain chemicals stimulate for arousal. Now you know exactly how it works, lets see what foods make it work the way we want it! Her we go…. Bananas Apart from the visual treat, bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium helps in proper functioning of nerves, milk, orange juice and tomatoes are also good sources of potassium. Bananas are also rich in B vitamins which helps to maintain testosterone(male hormone). It also contains an enzyme called bromelian,which actual has been linked to reversal of impotence. Banana is also stamina booster too. Almonds and Honey A sure shot combo ! Almonds are full of nutrients that help circulatory system and stimulates brain too. Not only that , they also contain essential fatty acids and vitamin E that keeps the blood vessels clean (not allowing the blocks to form) and helps the production of healthy levels of hormones and dopamine (brain chemical)that helps in sexual energy and drive. Honey is rich in B vitamins that helps as energy booster and boron element in honey increases the blood flow. Chilies and Peppers The capsaicin compound in the chilies and peppers does the instant magic of rushing the blood flow and stimulating the nerve endings. But be careful not to over do it, as it may irritate your stomach, spoiling the sport. Zinc rich foods Zinc is essential for production of hormone testosterone and for repair of the cells and creating new cells. Shell fish, seeds like sunflower seeds, gingelly seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich sources of zinc. Arginine rich foods Arginine is an amino acid that works as a vasodilator, means relaxes the blood vessels allowing full flow to genitals. Raisins are rich source of this amino acid compound. Arginine helps decrease erectile dysfunction and some of sexual disorders. Citruline in water melon produces the arginine compound. Mediterranean Diet stresses on usage of healthy oils, plenty of fruits , vegetables , fish and red wine in moderation for healthy heart and blood vessels , thus improving the impotence. American Heart Association Diet also restricts fat and allows good amount of fruits and vegetables. It also restricts trans fats and saturated fats. National Heart Blood and Lung Institute Heart Healthy Diet also vouches the same. All these diets aim for a healthy heart, maintain healthy body weight and improved immunity, all of which lead to improve over all functions of the body, thus impotence too.