Effective ways to manage health problems in children during summer?


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Published May 10, 2024 | 10:28 AM
Effective ways to manage health problems in children during summer?
Hello everyone! We are experiencing the hottest days of the year and hence, it is the right time to talk about some tips to take care of children during this period. It is also the summer vacation time which gives kids a break and often, working parents a lot of stress to plan how to manage them at home. The most important nutritional tip is to hydrate our kids with plenty of home made liquids. This would be in the form of frequent breast feeds in healthy infants below 6 months’ age, nutritionally appropriate liquids such as curd, butter milk, coconut water and electrolyte containing drinks like oral rehydration solution (ORS) above 6 months. It is important to avoid carbonated drinks, high sugar containing beverages and caffeine containing liquids like coffee and tea as they are high in refined sugars. Likewise, we recommend giving seasonal fruits such as mango pulp, watermelon over juices. Juices may be preferably avoided in children below the age of 2 years. Summer season also brings a higher chance of diarrhoea or gastro enteritis. Till date, adequate hydration remains the most important principle of treating diarrhoeas. A combination of zinc, probiotics and judicious use of antimicrobial agents in indicated cases by a pediatrician would be the line of treatment of gastroenteritis.
Summer also comes with the risk of increased screen time for both school going kids and pre schoolers. Rather than reprimanding the child for watching TV or phones, try to devise ways in which you can spend quality time with the child such as going on a drive, solving a puzzle, playing a board game like snake and ladder or doing some dance moves/ yoga together.  Setting up a physical environment not centred on television is so important at home that includes having writing or colouring flip charts or boards and having colourful illustrations of objects or words for pre schoolers. The importance of spending quality time with your children can never be overemphasised. Encouraging the child to take an active part in the activities at home such as dusting or cleaning or arranging books or clothes in a rack will make them independent and responsible. The cities offer a range of summer camps that train children in outdoor games like swimming and indoor activities such as music, chess and table tennis. Summer also witnessed an increase in acne, sunburn and acne due to increased sebum production.
Skin care for kids includes twice daily bath whenever possible, using a gentle sunscreen when expected sun exposure is likely and use of emollients twice daily to keep the skin moisturised. Happy summer ahead!