Pediatric Pioneers| Dr. C Suman Kumar, Sr.Pediatrician
SneakPeak:when she conceived she faced a lot of problems in her pregnancy..she had a lot of doubts and totally in confusion state where to go and whom to consult..Finally one of her friend referred Dr.Poojitha Devi Suraneni ..from the day 1 till the end of delivery Doctor has supported her in many ways

A pediatrician is typically the first doctor a child encounters during their formative years, often right after birth.
Since young children cannot articulate their issues like adults, the pediatrician’s role becomes even more challenging, requiring a deep understanding of children’s problems and addressing them with empathy.
They play a pivotal role in guiding parents on the proper nourishment of their children, administering vaccinations, and addressing common childhood health issues. Pediatricians must possess an exceptional level of patience to interact with innocent children and safeguard their health.
They have the astounding ability to transform a child’s every cry into an everlasting smile.