Balancing personal life which includes household and Child Chores & profession life seems like a herculean job, especially in healthcare industry. Besides these inadequate surgical training, work life imbalance lack of opportunities are major concern among our respondents. Most of the female surgeon working in India face gender discrimination at work including microaggression. These factors are leading to dissatisfaction among female surgeons.
However, our She-Surgeons are so equipped physically & mentally to handle this herculean Job in more challenging way & with more confidence. As a result of dedication, perseverance & confidence many young aspirants are seeking Surgeon as their specializations being motivated by existing, she surgeons & we are going to witness a huge surge in female Surgeons in the near future.
Ista Digital Media in collaboration with HealthBuzz is taking privilege to roar for our Female Surgeons & recognize them with Sovereign-Surgeon Awards on our marvelous occasion of Doctors Excellence Awards 2024.
Our awardees are:
Dr. Kona Lakshmi Kumari
Surgical Gastroenterologist, Minimal Access GI Surgeon, and Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeon
Dr. Anitha C Kamarthy
Sr. Cataract & Glaucoma Surgeon
Dr. Shree Cuddapah Rao
Director & Head – Cochlear Implants,
Dr Rao's ENT Super Specialty International Hospital
Dr. Suma Sandhyala
M.S., M.Ch (Gold Medalist)
Consultant Plastic, Cosmetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon
Dr. Jyoti Bothra
Pediatric Surgeon Rainbow Children's Hospital